Aluminum gives your plaque a fresh, modern look. Our stainless steel plaques are made from recycled materials, making them environmentally friendly. Aluminum is great for etching, precision tooling, and engraving.

Statement Plaques

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Statement Plaques & Metal Property Signs

When you need to make a statement to other people about your home or business, Advantage Signs & Graphics is there to supply you with the right plaque for the job. We can supply you with many different common plaque messages like “Private Drive”, “Video Surveillance”, “Beware of Dog”, or “NO Trespassing”. We have a wide array of fixed message metal plaques that you can order and install yourself, quickly and easily.

Pre-designed Statement Plaques are Solid Aluminum

Our statement plaques are lightweight, durable, and professional looking as they are cast in a quality rust-free aluminum and coated with a tough Alumi-Shield finish to withstand all outdoor environments. Alumni-Shield protects against harsh weather, direct sunlight, and extends the lifetime of the plaque significantly.

Custom Statement Plaques

Custom Quote Plaques: Guaranteed for Life

One of the major benefits of metal plaques are their durability and lifespan.
We at Advantage Signs & Graphics take much pride in the products we deliver to our customers. Each metal plaque we ship to you is backed by a Lifetime Guarantee.
Gemini Sign Products Lifetime Guarantee
Beware of dog plaque
There are many ways to use custom metal quote plaques.
Mounting Options

Custom designed statement plaques made from high quality metals

Private Drive

No Trespassing

Bronze Statement Plaque

Add a sense of timelessness to your plaque by casting it in solid bronze. Bronze plaques give your and plaque a stoic, historic feel to them. Individuals and businesses around the world trust Advantage Signs & Graphics to design, manufacture, and ship their custom bronze plaques. These plaques or perfect for memorials, dedications, and remembrance. 

Brass Statement Plaque

Brass is an amazingly versatile metal to work with. Brass can give your plaque a historic feel while still looking modern. Our brass letters and plaques are made of recycled materials, cast or flat cut. Let Advantage Signs take care of all your brass plaques needs. Brass plaques are great for highly detailed etchings and engravings.

Aluminum Statement Plaques

Pre-designed statement plaques

private drive post mount
protected by video surveillance
beware of dog plaque
no trespassing statement plaque
These are pre-designed plaques that we offer at a reduced price. Click on each small plaque to see your customization options for each plaque.
Black Gold
Bronze Gold
Green Gold
Black Silver
Black Gold
Bronze Gold
Green Gold

Private Drive - Round

private drive round metal plaque

Private Property/
Private Residence

private property round statement plaque

No Trespassing

no trespassing with illistration

Dogs at Play

dogs at play yard plaque
w/ Illustration
Black Silver
Black Gold
Bronze Gold
Green Gold
Black Gold
Black Silver
Bronze Gold


Video Surveillance

Beware of Dog

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Brass, Bronze and Aluminum Custom Metal Plaques


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